MGMT 465B – Week 4

29 09 2011

Milan and I met to work on the Financials for his business plan. We discussed the financials he used from last semester and we both decided that it would be good to “tighten” up the financials during this semester. I started to create some excel sheets with all of the formulas to make it easier for Milan to make changes to the documents in the future. Our group also finalized our first rough draft and was ready to turn it in on the due date.

MGMT 465B – Week 3

22 09 2011

Our team met over the weekend at Milan’s house to discuss our tasks and the name of his restaurant. Joining us for the group meeting were a couple of Milan’s friends who were also going to help us come up with restaurant names. We decided on a list of 5 – 10 names that we were going to narrow down in the next couple of weeks. During this meeting we also started to work on the rough that was due the following week.

MGMT 465B – Week 2

15 09 2011


Since the last blog post the whole team has read Milan’s previous business plan and we have started to divide up tasks. Each team member will be responsible for a portion of the project (based off of the criteria that the teacher is looking for) and will work on their section throughout the semester. We also met our mentor, Terry Splane, who is an excellent addition to the team. His experience is in the food industry so his input will greatly help out Milan and the team. We are still working on the individual parts that each of us were assigned and will be meeting up over the weekend to discuss them. We will also be talking about the current name that Milan has picked out for his business and deciding if it is better to change the name.

MGMT 465B – Week 1

8 09 2011

This week we formed our teams for our New Venture launch projects. I am part of the Pocket group with Milan de la Rocha, Adam Salman, and Moody Nashawaty. We have each been tasked with reading over Milan’s business plan from last semester (MGMT 465A) before the start of Week 2. I was in MGMT 465A with Milan last semester and I think his restaurant idea is a really cool concept, I’m excited to see how I can benefit him and his dream.